Yes, the silence on my blog was due to the fact that we have been away for the last few weeks – on a little business and lots of pleasure.
We first headed off to the big island of Hawaii. This was our first visit to this island. We enjoyed many beautiful sights – vacant beaches, black sand beaches, warm waters, palm trees, glorious sunsets, fragrant flowers and even a volcano.
They had a lovely Hawaiian quilt hanging at the hotel and I found the different patterns and the border fascinating. Pardon the glare, but it was behind glass.

The center with the dolphins was great.
We returned home, emptied the suitcases and headed up to the beach to check out the new remodel with my sister, brother and their spouses. While there, we collected clams for dinner, visited the pier to see the freshly caught fish that was being brought in for sale and then hit the Santa Barbara Farmer’s Market to collect our dinner ideas.

Leaving there we did a quick stop at home to add more clothes to that suitcase and headed out for a few days on the road – our favorite thing to do on vacation. We enjoyed the historic mining communities in Nevada, the Sawtooth Mountains in Stanley, Idaho and the budding of spring in Wyoming and Utah.

Although it appears to be snowing in this photo, it is actually the blowing of the seeds from the Cottonwood trees in Bishop, CA.

Full streams were everywhere.

A natural sandhill…..makes you want to grab a slide and climb to the top.

Wild mustangs.

A frosty morn in Stanley, Idaho – 22*. This was the view from our cabin.

Spectacular red rocks of Utah at 10,000+ feet elevation.
Along the way I had fun stitching some easy little projects that the amazing and creative
Wendy sent me a link. I figured they would make cute gifts.
It will now be back to the regularly scheduled program!