It seems as though spring is slowly creeping up on us. I say slowly because it will be warm and sunny one day and then chilly (for us) the next. Ones hopes get up that summer is just around the corner. My daughter was telling me on Sunday that daylight savings time begins in just two more weeks. There IS hope. Yeah!
I have three of the tortoises out for the summer. The females are usually the first to emerge, but we do have one male that has also surfaced. As well, I have noticed a family of finches and of a small wren building nests right outside of the sewing room. I love to watch their busyness of nest construction. The male will bring a looooong twig and try to fit it in the hole and the female will bring these nice short ones. I can almost hear her say "Can you keep it neat, please?"
I had a chance to take a walk around the yard this weekend and was amazed at all that is out and blooming. I must say that all of this cannot be attributed to my good care as I have not had a moment to get out in the garden.
Christmas Cactus
Calla Lily
Yellow Alstromeria
White Alstromeria
Dutch Iris
Sweet Pea
Red Hibiscus (tortoise food)
Yellow Hibiscus
Yesterday was a day to have my mind tested. I went in for my regular mammogram and bone density test. NOT! I arrived promptly for my 9:30 a.m. tests only to be told that my appointment was not Monday, but Tuesday. the way, it was at 11:00 too. Now, I can completely understand having the wrong day, but to also have the wrong time is a mystery to me. I have a feeling that something is fishy. I think what happened is that THEY put the wrong appointment in the computer. So today I will return and if they tell me that my appointment was yesterday I will be mildly upset. I have been taking my mom to 3-4 doctor appointments each week for the last three weeks and I haven't gotten any of them wrong.
The better news is that I have my new computer up. I won't say "up and running" yet, but "up" and in place. There are still a lot of things that I need to do before I will be back to normal. I should be doing that instead of blogging. I certainly got a lot more accomplished when the computer was sick. Hmmm.
Saturday night was the school auction for our our grandchildren's school. Everyone was terribly worried about what the end numbers would be with the financial problems that we hear about. The uniform that I had made for the American G*irl doll was involved in a bidding war. When the price finally got to $600 my DIL asked me if I would be willing to make another one and sell them both for the $600. Both bidders were happy with that solution. Sunday I spent making another uniform so it would be available to be picked up at school on Monday morning. I cannot imagine paying that kind of money for doll clothes, but I know it goes to a good cause. Perhaps people were looking to make a donation to the school and figured that would be a good way to do it. If not, I should go into business. This is a picture of the uniform that I made last year - the same as this year.

This week is my mother's 86th birthday. She has been such a trooper and never ceases to amaze me in what she does and accomplishes. My sister and I will take her to lunch on Thursday, her birthday, between doctor appointments. Then on Saturday night my three siblings and their spouses will take her out for a nice birthday dinner. This is the card that I have made and mailed to her.
There certainly seems to be a lot of illnesses going around. I read about it on different blogs and I see it in our family. Both my husband and I have had nasty colds for weeks now and our youngest grandson has RSV. He was a pretty sick little guy over the weekend, but is doing better now. I am off for another appointment. I hope that I have it right this time. Wish me luck!