Sew….what did I accomplish?
I added more blocks to my Goodnight Irene scrappy sewalong. I’m still trying to decide how big I will make it, but I am thinking maybe 9x7 blocks.
It appears that this block is a popular choice for the RSC14. This month the color is blue. I had seen this block on Wanda’s blog. She has an eye for color and design that cannot be topped and her blocks in this design are incredible. Thus….the inspiration! The block is very large (24x28) so I seriously doubt that I will be doing all 12 months of this challenge.
Those who follow my blog know that with spring also comes the grandchildren’s school auction. Each year I make a school uniform that is auctioned off.
I received my pincushion swap from my swap partner, Leona. I just LOVE what I received. This is a pincushion that I have wanted to make F.O.R.E.V.E.R. and have never done it. I absolutely love everything about it – the fabrics, the color, the weight and the design. As well, Leona included all sorts of fun goodies with it. What a great swap it was!
For some reason I am continually getting an error message when I try to open blogger so I am back to using Live Writer if this post seems very strange. It just seems to be a problem on my desktop computer so who knows what goofy setting I have changed.