Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Goals

What is it they say about a day late and a dollar short????  I am a day late in setting my April goals, but I have had groups of little ones here for the last nine days so I do have a good excuse.  There was little computer time, much less time to think about goals. 

So....my first goal this month will be to work on two blog hop projects that I will be participating in this month.  Then I really want to finish my blocks for my Easy Street quilt.  I would love to say that my goal would be to finish it completely, but I don't think that will happen.  I still have this box of pieces to assemble.

Next,  I have several friends and grandchildren with birthdays this month so I need to come up with some small birthday gifts.  I will be linking up my projects with Pigtales and Quilts To Do List as well as a Lovely Year of Finishes.

I met my goals for both last month with my Easter sewing and my quilt, but I was able to squeeze in a bit more sewing as well.  Here are a few pictures of my finishes with faces attached to the clothing. 


Our Easter was wonderful in spite of the rains that decided to pour down on us for awhile.  The children never seem to be bothered by it and enjoyed their time together.
One last thing to share is how beautiful the clematis is when it is in bloom. 

Enjoy your week.


  1. Your clematis is beautiful! I can't wait for mine to bloom! :0)

  2. The grandchildren are just the cutest dressed all up in their special clothes Mary! And how nice to see flowers blooming - we still have four foot high snow banks.

  3. Nothing much is blooming here either yet! I live in hope.
    What a beautiful gathering of grandchildren! They look great and I see some real characters among them! Goals? Hmmm. Getting to unearth the sewing machine might be a worthy goal. With my daughter in residence (in the sewing room) this may be enough of a challenge. Just to get it out and into a usable spot would help! And then there is getting to all the fabric. And cottons and.... right. Small things first. I will retrieve the machine in April. Watch this space.

  4. Wow, you are one busy lady with a beautiful family. I finished by Easy Street top, but that's all it will be for a while. Some day I'll finish it. Your clematis is gorgeous.

  5. Both are equally beautiful--all those wonderful grandchildren and the clematis. We still have melting snowbanks here and there, but spring is on the way. Your flowers are WAY ahead of ours. I understand your having little computer time with grandkids around. They come first. :)

  6. Love seeing your sweet beautiful family! Your Clematis is gorgeous! I don't think we have one at this new place. I will have to buy one for sure. I understand about those little ones being around. I have had 3 grands today!

  7. Mary, your projects are so lovely attached to the faces. I know they feel blessed to have someone as talented as you in their lives. I am so loving that clematis.

  8. All those kids are so dang cute. I love Katie's kids' coordinated outfits. They're all getting so big...what's happening??

  9. Your grands are adorable - and even more so in their Easter outfits (are they all yours - what a blessing!). Time with the grands will always trump time spent doing just about anything else. ;-)

    I love your clematis. Nothing is blooming here so I am enjoying your clematis all the more.

  10. I think you and I will be living on that same Street for the month of April! Your family looks so sweet, I am so happy to hear that you enjoy the time with the children! They of course look precious in those outfits!

  11. Sweet kiddos all! Those outfits are so adorable looking on the sweeties! I hope our clems bloom as pretty this year. A ways to go yet!

  12. Love your project pile but not as much as the adorable clothes on the even cuter faces to match. :o) Longing for something, anything, to bloom in Ohio!

  13. Beautiful family! I'm glad you had a wonderful Easter.

  14. Looks like you had a wonderful Easter! I love the photo of the whole family together!

  15. What a beautiful family. How wonderful you could all be together for Easter.

  16. I am sure you will get your goals finished by the end of the month.
    I do love your models with their lovely clothes you made on.. They look so cute.
    The children and family are growing sew quickly..
    what a beautiful colour your clematis is

  17. Looks like your Spring is going well. Love all your pictures. Grands are the best!

  18. Love the pics of the kids in their new clothes and can't wait to see your blog hop projects!

  19. Love the pics of the kids in their new clothes and can't wait to see your blog hop projects!

  20. Goals? We're supposed to have goals? Your clematis is gorgeous. Glad you had a good Easter!

  21. Your family is beautiful - How wonderful that you could all be together.

  22. What a lovely family you have. And the sewing you completed looks wonderful on the little ones. You had a very successful March. And it sounds like your April is going to be a busy one sewing.

  23. Good luck on your list! and thank you so much for linking up and including a shout out for the Monthly To Do List Linky Party. :)

  24. My goodness, what lovely family photos!!! And they are all beautifully and lovingly dressed :*) I love the sweet little moppet with the green bow hat!

    You make me wish I had a clematis in my yard - I keep meaning to plant one and yet it never happens :(

  25. Well,the quote I've always heard is "if you need something done get a busy person to do it!" You definitely qualify as "busy"......you always get so much done.....thanks for sharing all the lovely photos. :)

  26. What a beautiful family you have! Can't wait to see what the green and purple pieces become!

  27. love the clematis! Your grands are getting big and so adorable!!!

  28. Sweet, sweet post! I always love coming here and see pictures of your family - your other heirloom projects besides your quilt.


  29. I do not know how you have time for anything else with all of those precious little ones!!! what a cutie in the green hat too..

    Happy Spring!!!

  30. I love the clematis and the kids clothing you made! as always you inspire me.

  31. Family and Flowers - all so beautiful and priceless!

  32. Wow, I have to stick with if I ever to meet any goals at all. I always love your family photo. The kiddies are gorgeous - Hugs Nat

  33. Glad you had a good family time in spite of the rain. We have just had 3 warm and sunny days and are now back to cool and rain!!
