Do you ever sit down to write and have no idea about where to begin? This is where I am finding myself right now. It is hard to catch up on almost two months of blogging in one post.
A few days after my last post on March 2nd my life became very busy. My mother was readmitted to the hospital for several weeks because the infection within her hip flared up again. Most of my days were spent with her as that was what was important at that time. When she was discharged she came to stay with us while her treatments continued. At the time of discharge she was still receiving IV antibiotics three times a day. Since I am a R.N. I was allowed to give them to her. Needless to say, that consumed most of our day as each IV infused over a three hour period. Last week they finally discontinued the IV antibiotics and have placed her on oral ones. Although still somewhat weakened by the whole ordeal over the last six months, she did return to her home this week. She has been such a trooper throughout and a real inspiration to all who have come in contact with her. She remains our hero in every way.
Shortly after she got out of the hospital my uncle (her brother) and my cousin came out from Iowa to spend a few days. We had such a delightful time with them. My cousin had never been here before and it had been eight years since my mother and her brother had seen each other. We hated to see them leave.
Don't you see a strong family resemblance?
My brother, cousin, hubby, uncle, son and BIL prepping the pizza oven.
Spring has sprung in my time away and so have a few bones in the grandchildren. We had three broken arms at the same time - two on trampoline accidents and one a klutzy move of an active two year old. The last one required surgery to put pins in the elbow. Life is never dull around here.
Awaiting the application of a light blue cast.
John Dee*re green cast on little on in cart, light blue cast on passenger at wheel.
Easter was delightful at our son and DIL's home. The chocolate fountain was a HUGE hit and the messy children could tell the story through pictures alone.
Our children from left to right...#3, #2, #1, me, hubby, #5 and #4........on a breezy hair day.
All the grandchildren together for the photo op.
YUK!!!! Good thing the hose was close by and it was warm outside.
On Easter it was announced that this little guy is going to be a big brother in October. All are thrilled and we will be so happy to welcome our 21st grandchild on October 21st! Our 20
th was also due to arrive on the 20
th. I feel a pattern emerging here.

I haven't had a lot of time in my sewing room, but I did manage to get two Easter dresses made. My
DIL wanted all five girls dressed in yellow dresses for Easter and was unable to find acceptable ones for two of the girls. I love sewing for children.
I'd like this in my size.
I loved the princess neckline on this little dress.
As well I have finished two of my swap puzzle pieces. The other two are WIPs and should be done soon.

I am going to leave you with a heartwarming story. Two of our sons own a small chain of Italian restaurants. We also have a Naval base close to us and the restaurants are frequented by military men and women. One of the restaurant's more frequent customers approached my son a few months ago with a request. He wanted to pay for the meal of several servicemen who were eating dinner at the same time that he and his wife were. The gesture was greatly appreciated. It did not stop there. As he left he requested that free meals be given to each service man or woman who came in for time unknown at his expense. My son warned him that the "word" may get out and his bill could skyrocket. That made no difference to him. For the last several months each free meal is accompanied with a note of thanks for their service to our country and....the best has not been abused. No one is told the name of the donor by request, but the notes of thanks have poured into the restaurant. He and his wife did, however, join us for Easter and we were able to tell him what a thrill it is to see the gratitude on the faces of those after hearing that their meals are complimentary. Humble as he is, he said that he was just grateful for all that they do for us.
I appreciate all of you who have e-mailed me and continued to hang in there while I was away. I apologize for my lack of getting to follow your posts and will, hopefully, be able to catch up on what has been going on in blogville. I have missed it so much.
Everyone must also check out this wonderful Giveaway. Talk about doing up your birthday in a BIG way!!!!